Ibar:\TFast Task icon.|MFast Task allows you to start tasks using the keyboard (which is quicker than hunting around in Filer windows or menus).|M\Sopen a window where you can type in a task name.|M\Amodify Fast Task’s choices.
# Menus
IbarM0:\Rsee information about FastTask.
IbarM1:\Sopen the main window, where you can type in the name of a task to run.
IbarM2:\Schange Fast Task's choices.
IbarM3:\Ssee a copy of the internal list of directories FastTask uses.
IbarM4:\Squit FastTask. The updated hit-list will be saved to disc.
# Info window
Inf5:You can also start other things as well if you modify the FileTypes file, but it's *meant* for applications.
Inf6:Credit is due to Kemal Sangrar for the sprite, the main window and general brainstorming. He wrote an early version of this, but it didn’t get very far.
InfW:This \w provides information about FastTask.
# Main window
Main1:Type in the name of a task to run here, and press Return, and Fast Task will try and find it in its hit list of directories. If it doesn't find it, it will search the entire directory tree.|MPress Escape to close the window.
Main10/Main11:“Tinydirs” is like the Pinboard, except it puts icons on the icon bar rather than the backdrop. A tinydir is, by extension, such an icon. You should be able to do this by dragging an icon to the icon bar, but instead it gets run.
Main12/Main13:Be careful what *commands you use!
Main?/Main??:This is just to help you out, it doesn't actually *do* anything.
MainW:\Tmain FastTask window. It doesn't look much but it's deceptive.
# Choices window
Cho0:\Tcurrently chosen hot-key. Click on OK to confirm it. Press a new hot-key to change it.|MPressing the hot-key when this window isn't open will open the main window so you can type in the name of a task to run.
Cho1:\Srun !Help - not now, of course, as you've already got Help loaded.
Cho3:Type in the new size of the Director menu here.
Cho4/Cho5:FastTask's Director menu is like the Memoriser menu - but the most frequently used directories, not the most recently files.
Cho6:\Sdecrease the size of the Director menu by one. \Aincrease it.
Cho7:\Sincrease the size of the Director menu by one. \Adecrease it.
Cho6S/Cho7S:Let go of the arrow, you're going too fast! ;-)
Cho8:\Sonly search CFS directories and ignore uncompressed ones when FastTask looks for a file it didn't find using its hit-list. This will avoid FastTask reading the same directory twice (compressed and uncompressed).
Cho8S:\Ssearch all directories if FastTask doesn’t find a file using its hit list. This will mean that any CFS directories may be searched twice, compressed and uncompressed.
Cho13:\Signore all files run from drive 0 – i.e. removeable media (floppy discs or CDs). Usually these files will not always be available, and trying to find them may be quite a slow process.
Cho13S:\Sadd directories on drive 0 – i.e. removeable media (floppy discs or CDs) – to the hit-list if files are run from them. This will have the disadvantage of slowing down the search if they are not present.
Cho14:\Signore all files which have not been defined as executable (see the FileTypes file for a list of acceptable filetypes). This will avoid FastTask telling you about (e.g.) text files with the same name as an application.
Cho14S:\Sconsider all files when searching, even though FastTask may ultimately reject some. FastTask will notify you when it has found a file that matches the name given to it, but which it does not think is executable (see the FileTypes file for a list of acceptable filetypes).
Cho9:\Sconfirm these changes and close the window. \Akeep the window open.
Cho10:\Sclose this \w and cancel any changes.
Cho11:\Srevert to the default settings.
Cho12:\Ssave these choices. They will be used next time you run Fast Task.
Cho9S/Cho10S/Cho11S/Cho12S:You can let go of the button now.
ChoW:\Tchoices window, where you can modify (partly) how Fast Task works. If you don’t have Director or Compression, there’s not a lot left, but it’s still better than nothing.
# Action window
Act?/Act??/ActW:\Tprogress window. It looks very much like a Filer Action window because it's supposed to.